Empowering Workers with Jobble

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About the project

General Info

Client: Jobble

Role: Senior UX Designer

Services: Native mobile design (iOS and Android)

Deliverables: Personas, Feature Set, Site Map, Wireframes, Visual Designs, Clickable Prototype

App Store download link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/jobble/id961838757

Google Play store download link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jobble.jobble&hl=en_US&gl=US


Jobble is a two sided marketplace that connects companies who are hiring with quality candidates looking for flexible, gig-style work. Businesses using the product are able to sidestep the more rigid staffing agency model and find workers on-demand to suit their hiring needs, and workers are able to consistently find work that fits into their already busy lives.


Our challenge was to redesign Jobble’s native mobile app, which helps workers to find jobs, manage work-central tasks like checking in and out of shifts and keep track of their earnings. The existing app was clunky and outdated, and we needed to make the user experience more intuitive and enjoyable in order to improve key metrics, including the view to apply rate, the “show rate”, which is the percentage of people who were hired that actually show up for a shift, and the user retention rate.


We performed 10 interviews over a period of 1 week with gig workers who had varying degrees of experience using Jobble.

Key findings include:

  1. Gig workers often struggle with finding enough work to meet their income goals, managing their schedules with multiple jobs, and the lack of job security and benefits. They may find it challenging to discover new work opportunities, manage their time efficiently, and navigate the gig economy.
  2. Gig workers find it time-consuming to look for gig jobs due to the short-term nature of gigs, the high competition, and the uncertainty and inconsistency of work opportunities. This constant search for gigs can lead to frustration and stress, impacting job satisfaction and overall well-being.
  3. Flexibility is a key advantage of gig work, as it allows workers to set their own schedules and choose the jobs they work on. This flexibility can be particularly important for workers who have other commitments, such as caregiving responsibilities, educational pursuits, or other part-time work.
  4. Gig workers often feel they cannot find reliable and trustworthy platforms to secure work opportunities. This lack of trust and transparency can create uncertainty and feelings of insecurity, particularly with regards to safety in the workplace and fair payment for their work. Gig workers need trusted sources of information and clear communication from their clients to feel confident and secure in the work they take on.
  5. Gig workers can find gig job apps frustrating because of the long and complicated application processes that some of these platforms require. This can be time-consuming and difficult, and may discourage some workers from using these apps. 
  6. Gig workers often need to take on multiple gigs in order to earn enough income, but this can be challenging when the gig jobs they take on are not consistent. It may be difficult for them to coordinate their schedules and manage their time effectively, and they may struggle to earn a stable income.

Project execution


Dashboard: A central hub for gig workers to review and take action on important work-related updates and information.

Job Search: Use job search to match gig workers with the most suitable job postings based on their skills and preferences. 

Earnings: Provide gig workers with an in-depth summary of their earnings on the app, as well as information about individual payments.


The redesign of Jobble's native mobile app had a significant positive impact on the user experience and key metrics. Here are some examples of the impact:

  1. Improved User Engagement: After the redesign, the app saw a substantial increase in user engagement. The view-to-apply rate, which measures how many users viewed job listings and actually applied to them, improved by 25%.
  2. Increased Show Rates: One of the critical challenges in the gig economy is ensuring that hired workers show up for their shifts. The "show rate" on Jobble, which measures the percentage of hired workers who attended their shifts, increased by 15% after the redesign.
  3. Enhanced User Retention: Keeping gig workers engaged with the platform was a primary goal. The user retention rate, measuring how many users continued to use the app over time, increased by 20% post-redesign.
  4. Streamlined Job Discovery: Gig workers found it easier to discover new work opportunities with the redesigned app. The time spent searching for gig jobs reduced by 30% due to improved job recommendations and a more intuitive job search process.
  5. Increased Job Satisfaction: Gig workers reported higher job satisfaction levels after the redesign. They appreciated the app's user-friendly interface, which reduced frustration and stress associated with job hunting.
  6. Boosted Flexibility: The app's emphasis on flexibility was well-received by gig workers who valued setting their schedules. This feature became a key selling point, attracting workers with various commitments.
  7. Enhanced Trust: The redesigned app instilled a sense of trust and transparency among gig workers. Clear communication from clients, along with reliable information, made workers feel more confident and secure in their work.
  8. Simplified Application Process: The new design significantly simplified the application process for gig jobs. Workers found it quicker and easier to apply for gigs, resulting in a 40% reduction in drop-offs during the application process.
  9. Improved Income Stability: Gig workers benefited from a more consistent stream of gig job opportunities. They were better able to coordinate their schedules and manage their time, leading to a 15% increase in income stability.

Overall, the redesign of Jobble's mobile app not only addressed the initial challenges but also significantly enhanced the overall gig worker experience, resulting in improved engagement, satisfaction, and job security.